Check Your GEPCO Online Bill
Gujranwala Electric Power Company
Enter a 14-digit reference number OR customer ID in the search box for the GEPCO online bill check.
اپ بل چیک کرنے کے لیے، 14 ہندسوں کا حوالہ نمبر یا 10 ہندسوں کی صارف شناخت درج کریں اور پھر چیک بل بٹن پر کلک کریں۔
How to Check the GEPCO Online Bill?
Have you lost your printed electricity bill? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here is a simple way to check and instantly download a copy of your GEPCO bill even if you have lost the original one.

Follow these simple steps to get your GEPCO bill in a few seconds.
Find the Reference Number/Customer ID
First, you need to understand how you can find your reference number. Usually, you can find it on the GEPCO electricity bill. If you look below the customer ID on your bill, you will find a reference number such as 11111111111111.
Enter the Reference Number in the Input Search Box
After finding the reference number, you can easily check your GEPCO bill online. Enter this number or customer ID in the checking search box without spaces or hyphens.
Click the “Check Bill” Button
Next, you need to click on the “Check Bill” button. This will direct you to the current and latest GEPCO bill.
Check & Download/Print the Bill
Once you check the bill, you can download the duplicate GEPCO bill in PDF form. If you want to pay the bill offline, print the bill in hard copy and pay it before the due date.
Overview of GEPCO Bill
Understanding the essential details of the electricity bill is important. This can help you track energy usage, identify errors, and manage costs effectively. It also ensures you make informed decisions about electricity consumption and budgeting.
When you download the GEPCO bill after checking it, you can find the following information on the bill.
GEPCO Peak Hours and Off-peak Hours
Peak Hours
Peak hours refer to the time of highest electricity demand and consumption. Due to the high use of electricity in peak hours, GEPCO charges more per unit. The electrical unit is expensive at this time because the use of air conditioners, heaters, and kitchen materials is high. These hours are generally in the evening and morning time. However, these hours may vary and depend on seasons such as winter and summer.

Off Peak Hours
Conversely, GEPCO’s off-peak hours refer to the time in which the electricity demand is lower. Hours other than morning and evening are considered to be the time of less electrical usage. Due to this low consumption of electricity, bill costs are also lowered.
How to Reduce GEPCO Bill and Save Electricity
Are you worried about higher electricity bills? You can lower GEPCO bill costs by reducing electricity consumption during peak hours. Some important measures that can potentially reduce bill charges include:
- Identify Peak Hours: Determining peak hours is the key to reducing the electricity bill. These hours are generally in the evening usually from 5 pm to 11 pm or in the morning from 6 am to 9 am. However, it may vary and depend on location and seasons.
- Use Major Appliances wisely: Utilize appliances like refrigerators, irons, and air conditioners during off-peak hours. Shift its use to hours e.g., before 5 pm and after 11 pm.
- Be Smart with Your Thermostat: Make your thermostat slightly cooler or warmer during peak hours. This will reduce your electricity charges. Set it to a bit higher temperature in summer and to lower temperatures in winter. Due to this, it will operate less to maintain the temperature and ultimately will use less electricity.
- Keep Unnecessary Lights Off: Use LED lights because they use about 75% less energy than other lights. To keep your bills lower, use lights when required otherwise keep them off.
- Constantly check your GEPCO Online Bill: Constant monitoring of the electricity bill can help you track electricity consumption and identify ways to reduce usage.
Gujranwala Electric Power Company Limited (GEPCO) is the electricity distribution company in Pakistan, responsible for supplying electricity in selected areas. Some key facts about the company are described below.
Foundation of GEPCO
It was started on April 2, 1998, and got a certificate for functioning on July 1, 1998. After the establishment of the Water And Power Development Authority WAPDA, the power distribution of WAPDA was divided into eight Area Electricity Boards (AEB). GEPCO is one of the AEBs that deals with the power distribution in Gujranwala.
Nature of the Business
The company’s primary function is to supply electricity to its jurisdiction’s areas. GEPCO has about 3098120 connections as per reports of 2016-17. The government of Pakistan sponsored this company with 99.6% of the shares held by the Govt.
Areas Under GEPCO’s Jurisdiction
GEPCO Provides electricity to six surrounding districts. These includes Gujranwala, Sialkot, Narowal, Gujrat, Mandi Bahauddin, and Hafiz Abad.
Capacity of GEPCO
According to some sources, this company produces more than 3 million units of electricity. Customers can check GEPCO bills online to investigate how much energy they have consumed in the total electrical power.
Total Consumers
The produced electricity is distributed among multiple consumers. These include about 4037397 domestic, 435110 commercial, 85020 industrial, and 57079 tubewell consumers.
GEPCO Headquarters & Phone Numbers
The headquarters address is GEPCO HQ, 565-A, Model Town, G.T Road, Gujranwala. The company provides 24/7 services to both employees and customers. Consumers can reach for any help at given numbers.
Contact No: +92-55-9200504, +92-55-9200516, +92-55-9200592
GEPCO Management System
Gepco management system information (MIS) is a portal generally used to centralize and streamline the data. It effectively enhances the operation of the Gujranwala Electric Power Company. This system improves employee management, billing, and customer care.
Some of its significant features are mentioned as follows.
Centralized Data Management
The MIS processes relevant, authentic, and credible data including electricity consumption, billing, taxes, etc. All customers and employees can easily access actual data via MIS.
Automated Billing System
MIS operates an online billing system for electricity customers. They can check their GEPCO bills on time to save themselves from fines and penalties. It also helps with reducing the errors that can occur in the manual billing process.
Real-time Monitoring
This system monitors and manages real-time electricity supply and consumption patterns. It also helps identify peak and off-peak hours to enlighten its users about saving billing costs by consuming less electricity in peak hours.
Unified Customer Support Systems
MIS is integrated with customers’ platforms to ensure an efficient system for customer care. It helps users to ask and report any problem. Similarly, it also provides accurate information for customers to keep them updated.
Improved Communication
Two-way communication is always beneficial. GEPCO management system ensures this by providing information to its users via SMS or notification. It also receives feedback in the form of complaints and other queries. This improved communication has drastically enhanced the function of the company.
Facilitating New Connections
The system also facilitates customers in the new meter connection process. It helps and guides them to get new electrical connections easily.
GEPCO Meter Reading Services
GEPCO provides meter reading services to facilitate consumers. You can get information regarding meter readings after the official staff takes the reading of your meter. This can help you estimate your bill and track your electricity usage. You can use any of the following two methods to get the services.
Meter Reading via SMS
- Subscribe to GEPCO Meter reading: First, you need to register your phone number by visiting the nearest GEPCO office. Provide your customer ID, contact details, and other essential requirements.
- Send an SMS: Secondly, you need to send a 14-digit reference number to 8118.
- Received Details: After sending an SMS, you will get all the details related to your electricity bill. This includes electricity units, current bills, and meter readings.
Meter Reading Via Website
You can subscribe to meter reading services for free via the GEPCO website. You need to provide details such as name, email, contact number, and reference number on its official site. After a short time, you will get meter reading details.
In addition, GEPCO has introduced two new meter reading systems.
GEPCO Green Meter system
It is a new initiative by GEPCO to provide precise meter readings and reduce electrical discrepancies with the help of advanced technology.
These smart meters bring many benefits for both consumers and the company. It ensures remote monitoring of electricity usage to provide accurate billing. You can also track electricity usage to manage consumption and save bill costs.
GEPCO Net Metering System
A system that allows consumers to generate electricity through solar panels and return some of the energy to the grid. This innovative system promotes renewable energy sources. It also reduces the billing costs of the electricity bills.
This system is integrated with dual-directional meters that can accurately measure units consumed by the customers from the grid and electricity generated by users. When users generate their energy and sell it to the GEPCO, they can reduce electricity costs in bills.
How to Get a New Connection from GEPCO?
Getting a new connection from GEPCO is easy now. You can get a connection in one of the three categories. These are:
Do you want to get a new connection in any of the categories? Follow this simple procedure.
- Ownership/Tenancy Proof (rental agreement)
- NOC (No Objection Certificate from the owner if tenant)
- Test Report from the electrical contractor
Furthermore, after a successful connection, you will need to follow rules and regulations set by GEPCO including bill payment on time. You can check and download your GEPCO online bill to pay before the due date.
Taxes in the GEPCO Bill
Once you print the GEPCO bill after checking it online, you can see the taxes that contribute to the total amount for electrical consumption. Some major taxes in the bill are mentioned here.
- Electricity Duty: This is a standard provincial government tax that generally costs 1.5% of the total electricity consumption costs in the bill.
- General Sales Tax: GST is imposed by the federal government on the sales of electricity. This tax is generally applicable to all users and costs 17% of the total charges before other taxes are imposed.
- Income Tax: This tax varies and depends on electricity consumption.
- TV License Fee: It is a fixed amount applicable to all electricity consumers and is collected on behalf of Pakistan Television. This helps with the broadcasting services across the country.
- F.C Surcharges: Financing cost (F.C) is introduced by NEPRA and generally costs 43 Pasie per electricity unit.
Customer Care Services
GEPCO provides comprehensive customer care services for its users. It has provided multiple numbers to facilitate electricity users across various areas. You can get help or ask queries by contacting its office in your area.
How to Submit a Complaint about GEPCO Online
You can submit your complaint about anything related to electricity on its customer complaint management system (CCMS). The helpdesk will assist you 24/7.
In addition, you can call 118 or send an SMS to 8118 for your complaint. You can also email at this email address: [email protected]
GEPCO Bill Payment
There are two ways to pay your bill. One is online bill payment from your mobile. This is a convenient way of bill payment through banking apps, Jazz Cash, or Easypesa.
Another way is paying the bill offline. It is also an easy and simple method but a time-consuming process. You will need a hard or printed copy and if you have lost it you can still check and print the duplicate copy of the bill online. Once you have the hard copy, you can pay the bill at any commercial bank or post office.
In short, GEPCO is a powerful electricity provider across various districts and sub-districts. Electricity consumers in the areas can check GEPCO online bills at any time by using the reference number or customer ID. Online bill checking provides a duplicate copy of the GEPCO bill that can be printed in hard form.